Great video of Becky working with her young dog Ammo and building confidence! Becky previously trained her other Australian Shepherd, as well! The Training Methods focus on building blocks of learning, but dogs learn at different rates and age is key. With Puppies, we focus on skills to build attention and skills. Triumphant Canine Dog Training specializes in Off Leash Dogs, Aggressive Dogs and all dogs for Dog Obedience! It is important that you work at the proper level and age of your dog but remain consistent. A Reliable dog requires attention to the owner but this takes time and then distractions become less valuable.
Dogs gain value in things based on instincts. “Squirrel”, and the dog is off. Creating Value is the key to helping your dog be reliable and attentive. Distractions need to be of no value but the value has to be directed to you. Do not let your dog meet every strange dog and don’t reward them for unwanted behavior. Family and friends are one thing, but strange dog meetings create value, or other problems, and are not associated to you! Always redirect your dog to a behavior you can reward with petting, toys, or treats. Remember, your dog has to think your the best thing since sliced bread, and as a result, you have fun!
Value comes from primary motivators! Food, Water, Shelter and Mating. In training, we will use Food (treats) as a motivator for learning. Once patterns are learned from luring with the food, transition to petting with high frequency “Good Dog” and/or toys then we are not feeding them forever. Toys can simulate some type of prey. Dogs want to chase and kill things they can eat. Even a dog playing fetch with a ball is really instinctually chasing prey. As a result, you gain value.
Dog Training
“SAGE” – Off Leash with Distractions
Transfer of Value